These service conditions have been translated from Finnish for informational purposes. In case of any differences or contradictions between this English version and the Finnish one, the Finnish version is authoritative.
These service conditions apply to services provided to the client by Sange Coop (later referred to as "Sange"). The client is a real or jurisdictional person who orders services from Sange. An order accepted by Sange constitutes a service contract. These service conditions apply to the contract unless otherwise agreed on by Sange and the client.
Sange is responsible for providing the service at the agreed time. The client is responsible for conveying necessary information for providing the service to Sange at the agreed time. The client is responsible for the correctness of this information. The client is responsible for informing Sange about changes in its contact information.
Unless agreed otherwise, the contract is in force for an unlimited period. This applies to all service contracts, including domain name registrations.
The client is responsible for paying within due date the bills sent by Sange. The payments depend on Sange's current pricing.
The client must adhere to the law, good manners, normal Internet practices and netiquette when using services provided by Sange. The client is responsible for all actions done on client's account(s) and their consequences. The client is required to keep user account and password information given by Sange secret: revealing passwords to any person, including representatives of Sange, is strictly forbidden, and storing passwords insecurely so that they may be accessed by others is forbidden. If account information is compromised due to improper storage or actions made by the client, the client is responsible for all damage this causes to Sange, the client itself, or third parties.
Using or trying to use other resources than those granted to the client, including but not limited to hard drive space, processor time or network bandwidth, is prohibited. The client may not harm Sange, Sange's connection provider or a third party.
Sange has the right to place technical restrictions on email or other network traffic in order to prevent spam (unsolicited commercial email) and computer viruses from spreading through Sange's computer system. In addition, network traffic may be restricted to make it harder to disturb the services or break into the system.
Sangella on oikeus asettaa sähköposti- ja muulle verkkoliikenteelle sellaisia teknisiä rajoituksia, joiden tarkoitus on estää ns. roskapostin (ilman vastaanottajien ennakkosuostumusta suurille joukoille lähetetyt mainokset, ketjukirjeet ja vastaavat) sekä tietokonevirusten leviämistä Sangen tietojärjestelmien kautta. Lisäksi verkkoliikennettä voidaan teknisesti rajoittaa palvelujen muun häirinnän ja tietomurtojen vaikeuttamiseksi.
If the carelessness or incautiousness of Sange's actions causes the client harm, the client has the right to immediately discharge the service contract.
In other cases Sange takes no responsibility of any direct or indirect damage caused by the service or disorders in the service. Sange does its best effort to ensure the functionality of the service, but does not give guarantees of functionality.
The client is responsible for covering the cost of harm caused to Sange or third party by himself and the cost of resolving the problem. If the client has violated these service conditions, he must immediately mend the situation.
The client may not hand over the contract without a permission from Sange. Sange has the right to transfer the contract to a third party by informing the client in writing.
Sange can discharge the contract without period of notice
In none of these circumstances does Sange return any service payments already paid by the client.
In other situations, either party may discharge the contract with a 30 day period of notice. If the client discharges the contract in this way and has already paid for the service, Sange does not return the payments. But if Sange discharges the contract or if the contract is discharged due to Sange's mistake (section 5) or if the client does not approve of changes in the service conditions (section 8), Sange returns service payments that have not yet been used for a maximum of one year's time.
These service conditions apply since the first of Novembert, 2008, and continue to apply until further notice. Sange has the right to change these service conditions by informing the client about the change at least 30 days before changing the conditions. If the client does not approve of the changes, he has the right to discharge the contract from the date of new conditions coming into force.
Disagreements about these service conditions or their application that cannot otherwise be resolved, are settled in Helsinki district court.